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Silicones and agriculture

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What are the characteristics of silicone injection?
1, the super expansion ability is more conducive to the expansion of the drug liquid in the plant leaf surface or the pest body surface, which directly affects the efficacy of the drug. Most plant leaf surface and pest body surface have epidermal stratum corneum, waxy layer, fluff or rough surface is not easy to adhere to the liquid, spray directly diluted with water on these surfaces is very unstable. The addition of silicone can solve these problems well, so that the efficacy can be maximized.
2, the contact Angle is smaller, can greatly improve the spread of the liquid on the target of the drug in the spray to the leaf or pest surface, the smaller the contact Angle between the liquid and them, the better the expansion and distribution of the liquid, the better the drug effect. Because of its very low surface tension, silicone can greatly reduce the contact Angle of the spray to the plant leaves and the surface of the pest, so it can achieve better drug effects.
3, strong expansion, can greatly improve the coverage area of the liquid on the target material adding silicone liquid, can make the liquid coverage area on the crop leaves doubled, which is also an important reason for the use of silicone aid can greatly improve the effect of disease and pest control.
4, penetration and absorption, strong resistance to rain erosion, greatly improve the stability of the liquid silicone can make the spray to the plant leaves and the surface of the insect body of the liquid faster, better, more through the pore penetration into the target object. At the same time has excellent resistance to rain erosion. In this way, the effect of adding silicone using foliar fertilizer is also so obvious, which is unmatched by drugs or foliar fertilizer alone.

When using silicone, there are several points to pay special attention to.
First, ready to use, with the good liquid medicine as soon as possible.
Second, reduce the spray water consumption and speed up the spray walking speed appropriately. The amount of spray is appropriate to form water film but not water droplets.
Third, in the spray, should be in accordance with the requirements of the use of pesticides, wear protective equipment, pay special attention to the protection of the eyes.
Fourth, it is not recommended to add silicone to some easy to produce drug harm such as fluorosilazole, fluorocyclazole, fluridine, acetylene mite, phenylbutin, etc.
It is best to apply medicine before 10 am and after 4 PM to avoid high temperature application. Strictly dilute in accordance with multiple of more than 3000 times.

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