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Methods of modifying silicone resin

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There are two methods for modifying silicone resin, namely physical blending method and chemical copolymerization method.

1. Physical blending method

Physical blends: The blends obtained by physically mixing different types of polymers in mixing equipment with the help of stirring and shearing are called physical blends or mechanical blends. The result of physical blending is to achieve maximum dispersion between polymers and form a stable system. Mechanical blending methods mainly include melt blending, solution blending and emulsion blending, among which melt blending is the most commonly used.

2. Chemical copolymerization method

The copolymerization method is a polymerization method in which two or more monomer mixtures undergo an addition polymerization reaction. It is a main means of polymer modification. Products containing various monomers are available. According to the way the monomers are connected and arranged, they are divided into random copolymerization, graft copolymerization, block copolymerization and alternating copolymerization. Generally, the composition of a polymer depends not only on the proportions of various monomers, but also on the identity of the various monomers. The combination of monomers does not always lead to copolymerization; in many cases, there is a tendency for one monomer to enter the polymer chain more easily than another.

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