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GRP patterned cover grid model GRP patterned cover grid thickness GRP patterned cover grid how much is a GRP patterned cover grid specification GRP patterned cover grid size

Hits: 3895559 2020-04-25

Good resin, usually unsaturated o-benzene resin 196, the glass fiber reinforced plastic grid out of this resin is generally flat and smooth. If the inferior resin is used, the product will be turbid and porous. The main reason is that it is easy to break and its strength and toughness are poor. Another is the comparison of the finished products: in terms of appearance, there is no obvious crack, the air hole is sand table, the color is pure, and the service life is long. But the appearance of inferior products has obvious cracks, many pores, bad color and shorter life.
The appearance of GRP patterned cover plate is based on GRP grid, and the cover plate is used as the bearing surface, which plays the role of anti-skid and sealing. When it is used on the trench and platform, it is mainly used to prevent objects from falling. Because of its patterned surface, it is called GRP patterned cover plate. The GRP patterned surface has the difference between large pattern and small pattern, and the thickness of the general patterned surface is 2mm and 3mm.
Different types of resins can be selected according to the needs of fiberglass patterned cover plate, so that it has good acid resistance, alkali resistance, organic solvent resistance, salt resistance and other gas-liquid medium corrosion performance. It should be noted that the cover plate should be put into use as soon as possible after the completion of production, and it can not be used for a long time, because the cover plate and grid used for a long time are easy to separate, so it should be put into use as soon as possible after the completion of production use. After adding a layer of GFRP cover plate, the contact area of GFRP grid is larger than that of GFRP grid, which improves the strength, bearing capacity, sliding and wear resistance of GFRP grid.
The price of GFRP grid cover plate is a special plastic compound material with deep decolorization as vibration plate leftover, non drying polyester resin as matrix and process alloy as composite efficiency, which has a lot of plate-like plate leftover. It is used as structural plate leftover, as the ground, arc board, suitable and fine grid grating used for eroding space, as well as stairs and stacks Tao and so on.
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